Monday, October 16, 2006

Day 4.. Well Day 1 of Work

Started work today. Had to go in at 8:30 am for orientation. To summarize, it was "here's some info about the company, benefits, here's the IT system, and now here's your cubicle." WHIP-SNAP! Started doing some studying and the cafeteria isn't all that bad, so there's some good perks.

One thing I noticed while on the way to work, and actually for the past several days, is that there are NO COPS on the road! It doesn't make any sense. I mean, people aren't always that good, are they? I accidentally ran a red left-turn light yesterday, and I was hoping there were no cops around. Unless they have a way to track every damn car, in which case I might get screwed with a ticket in the mail, people are free to go butt-crazy!

I must admit there are some cool cars on the road. Saw a couple nice looking VW Beetles, the classic old ones. One of them was even painted to look like Herby the Love Bug. And the other was black, but had some racing wheels one it, at least the kind you can put on a car like that.

Downloaded Inkscape for my Mac today. I'm gonna give it a shot, but after I buy a cheap tablet first. I need to setup a desk in my room. Once I do that I'll buy the tablet. Fortunately we already have a spare desk lying around the house. Yes, house. I live in a house, for those of you who didn't know. :) So hopefully in a couple weeks it'll happen.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Just read your blogg, finally! Im wating for some chemicals at work to do their job etc so I had some time to read :)

Nice the cubicle....*whip lash* Thankfully they hardly exist here in Sweden (yay for a shared room with a window :) )

Cool stuf with the drawings, hope you can afford that digitized drawing board soon.

Man you better start making those pizza orders. You cant go around and not know the pizza delivery guy ;)

Happy birthday in advance! I will probably forget as usual on saturday so Im being precautios. Just tell them its your birthday and it will be cool :)

Well better get back to those chemicals before they get too friendley with each other ;)

Have a good one!

6:42 AM, October 17, 2006  

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