Thursday, November 16, 2006

I actually won something

And I won it out of my own merit. We had a tour of the different labs here at work, and they are pretty cool. One of them had liquid nitrogen...neat. At the end of the tour we were able to ask some of the long-time executives some questions. At the end of the Q&A session, the execs would pick three of the best questions, and the people who asked them would get to have lunch with the company's CEO. I happen to think the CEO is a cool guy. He get's his haircut at Supercuts.

So there were some good questions. A lot dealing with markets that the company may want to persue etc. One of the people who won asked questions dealing with how the company started (i.e. initial capital, etc.). Another person asked about how they have personal lives yet still help to really push the company forward. He won as well. Somewhere down the line, some kid gets everyone wondering what his question was going to be. He builds it up by flattering the execs saying it's a tough question but they should be able to answer it, etc. etc. He asks, and I can't believe he did, how much money they make. WTF!? Now everyone laughed a little because they figure it was a joke. The guy did too, but I guess he got so nervous after saying that question that he never took it back in jest. He never made a recovery line to get rid of the awkwardness. He just stood there and a sort of awkward manner. God, what a bad move.

So I won by asking a pretty cool question. So I'm working for Nvidia, and they worked with Sony on the PS3. They also worked with Microsoft on Xbox 360. And now with ATI merged with AMD, there could be a market in the console business. Anyone who pays attention to the computer graphics and video game industries could see that. It surprised me no one asked any questions relating to this topic. So I asked a good three part question. Immediately the guy who worked with the PS3 said that I won. Before any voting, I secured my spot. I honestly just wanted an answer to the question, being a gamer and all.

On the topic of being a gamer. I spoke to some people at my nearby Target store, where I plan to camp out for my Wii. It looks like they aren't allowing lines until the morning of the launch, at about 6am on Sunday. I don't see how the can enforce such a thing once the last person leaves the store. We'll see...I'm gonna call the store and talk to a manager or someone from the electronics department in the morning. Hopefully I'll get a better idea of what's gonna happen. I may take a little spin tonight to see how the PS3 crowd is doing...


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